Inspirational Quote Challenge Challenge within the 100in100 Challenge



As you may know, I am participating in the 100in100 Challenge suggested by Mindykid on Splitcoaststampers.  I have completed 23 cards this week, thanks in part to the holiday weekend.  Last week, my personal challenge was to use up some of the scraps, outtakes and leftovers cluttering my desk.  I did a pretty good job with that and made a nice dent in my pile.  This week I am going to do something a little different, an Inspirational Quote Challenge.  I have this great little app on my phone, Inspiring Quotes 5000, that is just inspirational quotes that I love scrolling through.  This week I am going to choose a quote each day for an Inspiration Challenge.  I will post the quote on my blog each evening and try to make the card the next day.  I would love to have you guys join me in this mini challenge.  If you do choose to take part, just let me know and I will link to your project on my blog.


Today’s quote is:


“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” Mother Teresa


I haven’t figured out how to display, a title or caption with an uploaded photo but I wanted to give credit to my talented daughter.


Ladybug Silhouette  (Photo Credit:  Marisa Flit)


2 responses »

  1. sounds like a great challenge, Francie. Hopefully after the grandtoddler leaves I can jump in and play 🙂 I’m so missing my playtime hehe

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